【跨宗教國際交流講座】112/5/1(一)14:30 伊斯蘭「博愛、寬恕、自由」下的跨宗教對話

國際交流, 專題演講

Human Fraternity Studies Center in UAE has been dedicated itself around the world to promote the moderate doctrines of Islam and the spirit of peaceful co-existence between human beings, with the expectation that the global mainstream concept of Islam as being equal to terrorism could be reversed. Through the Islamic Association of Taiwan, the Institute of Religion and Humanities of Tzu Chi University has invited three worldly well-known scholars and experts of the Human Fraternity Studies Center to TCU with the hope to initiate dialogues and interchanges among different religions.


14:00-14:30 學者參訪慈大人社院校區/林建德所長
14:30-15:25 Topic: The Principle of the Fraternity of Religions in Islam
One target … A lot of ways
Islamic Faith and Far East Religions
Speaker: Dr. Mohamad Habash / Chairman, Human Fraternity Studies Centre, UAE./ Prof., Abu Dhabi University, UAE.
講者:穆罕默德.赫巴敘博士 / 人類博愛研究中心主席(阿拉伯聯合大公國) / 阿布達比大學教授(阿拉伯聯合大公國)
15:25-15:30 Tea time
15:30-16:25 Topic: Forgiveness in Islam
Speaker: Moheddin Aljabi / Religious leader and Imam, Manchester, Al-Madina Mosque, UK./Instructor, Institute of Almadina Manchester, UK.
講者:穆赫丁.艾加比 / 曼徹斯特麥地那清真寺教長(英國) / 曼徹斯特麥地那學院講師(英國)
16:25-16:30 Tea time
16:30-17:25 Topic: Freedom in Islam
Speaker: Omer Ayash / Vice-Chairman, Islamic Association of Taiwan / Instructor, Chinese University of Hong Kong
講者:歐馬 / 台灣伊斯蘭協會副理事長 / 香港中文大學兼任講師
17:25-17:30 Photos/大合照
17:40-18:40 會後交流暨Dinner晚餐 (light meal)